You've Reached Never Grow Up !
We're a Work Culture Consulting agency with turnkey capabilities dedicated to the pursuit of happiness at work. On any given day, you will find us partnering with CXOs, Human Resource Heads and Communication Teams, helping them understand their people better, keeping employees engaged, working on creating inclusive teams while mastering work-life blend.
All this, in an attempt to build an admirable culture and a productive workforce turning your company into one that attracts and retains talent while we turn work into something people look forward to.
It is no secret that happier, engaged employees deliver higher returns for the companies they work in and so, if you want to focus on your talent while staying true to your mission, you've come to the right place!
Stuff We Are Good At
We believe that happy and engaged employees result into a more productive workforce, which in turn, means a positive impact on attrition and the company bottom line. Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh perspective to think out of the box and build employee connect.
With no two company cultures being similar, our ‘people to customer first’ approach & work philosophy helps bring about a sense of pride, encourages recognition, strengthens diversity and makes life at work awesome!
Throw us a challenge or simply pose a question. From engagement and communication strategy to execution calendars and turnkey implementation, we'll cut through the jargon & share a box full of ideas that are sure to brighten your day!

Happyness Quotient

Happyness Quotient is an innovative, patent-pending survey that indicates the level of satisfaction across your organization by analyzing what drives individuals based on their personal and professional choices down to a department level.
The survey tool is fun, flexible, and can adapt to suit the needs of your organization! You can analyze responses to get a drilled-down ‘one view’ of your company's Happyness Quotient & administer it across desktops or mobile.
What’s more?
The tool comes with the option to be deployed in multiple languages and track what matters to your company while we develop action plans to ensure sustainable and measurable impact.
Check out what makes a workplace a truly happy one to be in.

Workplace Well-Being

Across a lifetime, people will spend over one-third of their lives at work. Research also points to the fact that a large amount of happiness in life revolves around the workplace and professional goals. When employees are part of a ‘happy workplace’, it has a positive impact on a company's business performance.
Based on the science of happiness, our Talent Well-Being Programs are designed to help employees optimize their emotional well-being at work.
Our eclectic mix of customizable corporate happiness workshops, expressive arts sessions and professional counselling packages are centered around creating happier employees, happier teams and happier places to work. Go ahead! Take a sneak peek into how we can help create a work environment for your employees to flourish and thrive.

What's Your Return On Engagement?
In case you are wondering how working with us will positively impact your company, let's talk numbers!
Our Return on Engagement calculator gives you a picture of how engagement positively impacts company bottom-line and how much your company can gain annually through enhanced productivity, reduced absenteeism, on-boarding costs & reduced attrition.

What’s Your
Happyness Quotient?
Part of our DNA is making sure companies have satisfied and engaged employees, and knowing what drives you at work helps us bridge gaps that are important to building the right culture and attracting and retaining the right talent
Using proprietary scoring mechanisms, our Happyness Quotient calculator tells you how satisfied you are at your current workplace and know what truly matters to you at work
We Work With
The Looney Bunch!

Creating an admirable culture and making work fun is some real serious work. For us, Never Grow Up ® is that one belief that transcends across levels as we build bridges that attempt to peel off layers and reach the core of an organization!
We're driven by heart and backed by intellect.
Our diverse People Think Tank is backed by team members across fields including The Arts, Human Resources, Marketing, Psychology, Product Design and many Idea wizards who are spirited and extremely passionate about our mission. These people are our true dark knights. A lot of our ideas also come from listening to people and clients!
Follow us or jump into a rabbit hole to find out who we are.

It's nice to be loved and written about. Even better when you win awards or your content gets featured. That said, you'll find us merry when we solve for clients.

For details on our Work Culture solutions can work for you or ideas on how to make life at work awesome, reach out!
Write to info@willnevergrowup.com or Call +91 98923 38317